→Check p.105 Making a PresentationO( ) R( ) E( )EROOO Thinking Logically 3 What can we do to reduce food waste?103 Step 2 Outlining Write each sentence by using the ideas in Step 1 . (Step 1の考えを用いて,それぞれの文を書きましょう。)意見が明確に述べられている Tip 1 理由の根拠となる適切な具体例が述べられている Tip 3 Step 3 Drafting Write a paragraph by combining the sentences in Step 2 . (Step 2の文を組み合わせて,パラグラフを書きましょう。)意見が明確に述べられている Tip 1 理由の根拠となる適切な具体例が述べられている Tip 3 Step 4 Improving Improve your draft after working on Model Paragraph A and B. (モデルパラグラフAとBの設問を解いた後で,参考にしながら下書きを改善しましょう。)2) Analyze the logical flow of the paragraph above and categorize sentences ①〜⑤ into one of the three types: O (opinion), R (reason) and E (example or explanation) . for Improvement” described below. Tips for improvement説明に付け足す具体例は?(①:イメージしにくい内容を具体的に説明するには?)数字の役割は?(②:55%という数字の大きさを詳しく説明すると?)目的の実現に向けた具体的な手段とは?(③:例えばどうすればうまく実現することができるか?)PresentationMake a presentation on the topic: “What is important to reduce food waste?” in a group or class. 意見をサポートする適切な理由が述べられている Tip 2 意見をサポートする適切な理由が述べられている Tip 2 評価A2評価A2+ ①When you cook, it is important to cut vegetables properly in order to avoid wasting some parts we can eat. ②This is because it is one of the most effective ways to reduce food waste at home. ③Many people waste some parts of the vegetables when they cut them. ④ ⑤Therefore, cutting vegetables properly is helpful to reduce food waste. When you cook, it is important to cut vegetables properly in order to avoid wasting some parts we can eat. This is because it is one of the most effective ways to reduce food waste at home. In fact, many people waste some parts of the vegetables when they cut them. For example, ①some people cut off too much of the ends of carrots or cucumbers. It is reported that such waste accounts for 55% of the total food waste at home. ② In order to learn a good cutting method, ③ . Therefore, cutting vegetables properly is an effective and easy way to help reduce food waste.104オリジナルの意見文のパラグラフを書くために,4つのステップを設けています。自分の考えを整理しながら,無理なく段階的に文章を仕上げていくことができます。Step 1 : Organizing図を使って自分の考えを整理する 29[Model Paragraph A] 1) Fill in the blank to support the opinion stated in the paragraph. [Model Paragraph B] 3) Fill in the blanks to make a better connection between sentences by referring to the “Tips WritePrompt: What is important to reduce food waste? Step 1 Organizing Use the diagram below and organize your ideas into O(opinion), R(reason) and E(example or explanation). You can add boxes as needed.(下の図を使ってあなたの考えをO意見,R理由,E具体例 or説明に整理しましょう。必要に応じてボックスを追加しましょう。)OREOが論理的につながる Step 2 : Outlining整理した考えをもとに構成を組み立てる Step 3 : Drafting構成を踏まえてパラグラフの下書きを書く Step 4 : Improving2つのモデルパラグラフの設問を解いた後,Step 3で書いた下書きを改善する 意見文が書ける◉ 「論理的な意見文を書く」ためのステップOREOにもとづいた4つのステップ
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